Ycopy "Right Click" Menu
If you'd like to be able to right click a folder in explorer as a shortcut to start
Ycopy then do the following...
- Start, Run, explorer.
- Tools menu, Folder Options...
- File Types (Tab).
- In the "Registered file types:" list scroll to and select "Folder".
- In the section "Details for 'Folder' filetype", click the button marked
- In the "Edit File Type" dialog, click "New".
- The "New Action" dialog will appear.
- Specify action as "Ycopy" or "Ycopy to".
- Then click the browse button and browse to the location of "ycopy.exe".
(Typically C:\Program Files\Ycopy\ycopy.exe)
- Now edit the "Application used to perform action:" section like this...
"C:\Program Files\Ycopy\ycopy.exe" "%L"
-Click "Ok"
(Note that the path to ycopy may be different depending on where you installed
ycopy. Also make sure you quote the path as above and include the "%L" which
will make Ycopy automatically put the selected folder in as the copy source
After doing this you should then be able to right click on any folder in explorer
and select "Ycopy" or "Ycopy to" to easily copy that folder to another location.
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